This is a summary of the features of C.a.R. For a quick introduction have a look at the Flash demo on our server.
Dynamical Geometry
- Simulation of school geometry in the plane with lots of geometric objects like points, lines, rays, line segments, circles, arcs, angles, polygons and conic sections.
- Dynamical geometry with immediate update of constructions, when a basic point is moved. Automatic or manual tracks of points and polar sets of lines.
- Powerful macros.
- Computations in expressions, angle or circle sizes, functions and curves, including computation of integrals, differentials and zeros.
- Construction language for constructions using a command line or an external file.
- Elliptic and Hyperbolic geometries realized with macros.
Presentation of Constructions
- Flexible ways to format objects, text sizes and stroke, including transparency and background objects, partial or total hiding of objects, configurable name display. The display of objects can be subject to conditions.
- Latex display of formulas and formatted text displays with Greek letters. Substitution of expressions by their values in texts.
- Animation of constructions, or presentation of a construction step by step.
The User Interface
- Intuitive user interface using the right mouse button to move objects or open the dialog for the object properties.
- Context sensitive help, and additional HTML documentation.
License, Export and technical Details
- Runs on all modern systems, where Java is installed, as a local application, with Java Web Start, or as an applet in the browser.
- Free and open source program, including documentation and demos. Portable and open XML file format.
- Export of constructions for the Web using an easy export utility with template pages. Various choices of applets and sets of tools. Scripting.
- Saving constructions in various graphic formats (PNG, EPS, SVG, PDF, FIG) with preview and scaling of line widths, point sizes, and text sizes.